About Us



  •  Our focus is to assist local churches in a variety of areas to enable them to achieve the Lord's will and to reach their Biblical potential as a New Testament congregation.      



  • Prayer, evangelism, worship, fellowship, instruction and service are the pillars of a healthy church.  Acts 2, Eph. 4
  • We will not allow anything in us to hinder the gospel of Jesus Christ from being proclaimed.  I Cor. 9:12
  • We will strive to preach and teach the Word of God in truth, in context and in obedience.   II Tim. 4:2
  • We will place a priority on the people in the Body of Christ and not the possessions of the Body of Christ. Eph. 5:25
  • We will be compassionate and  honest with the congregation in all the aspects of the church’s life, informing the church of her strength and weakness. Eph 4:25





Every decision we make and every action we perform must be in harmony in three areas:

·         The Father’s will as revealed in His Word. II Tim 3:15-17

·         The Lord’s strength as promised in His commission. Matt. 28:18-20

·         The Spirit's leading as directed through His indwelling. Gal. 5:25




Help churches in developing committed followers of Christ. Col. 3:1-25



